Product Spotlight » Winery Equipment » Sparkling Wine Equipment » Neck Freezing Equipment » Auto Neck Freezing
Criveller’s automatic neck freezer, known as the ICE 1,200 is designed to further ease the production process of your sparkling wine. Able to fit multiple bottle shapes and sizes, this piece of equipment ensures adequate freezing for every neck height.
- The neck freezer type ICE 1,200 uses glycol at -25°C/-30°C to freeze bottle necks of sparkling wines
- It works for bottles with capacity between 375ml and 1.50L (working diameter 70÷115mm)
- The maximum throughput is 2,000 bottles per hour (using bottle with diameter of 92mm)
- A device with mechanical control allows the bottle motion.
- The unit allows working bottles with different neck heights; the bottle unloading on the conveyor is carried out by a mixed control system that allows to check and control bottles with different heights
- ICE 1,200 is designed to be put in a computerized production line